Jérôme Angibaud

Solution Architect · Java developer · Tech Leader · Analyst

I am an experienced Java developer/architect taking emphasis on designing clean, effective and pragmatic solutions with an agile mindset.

I have mainly been working for top financial companies within medium or big sized projects, especially in an agile context.

My skills includes also methodology, business analysis, testing strategy, devOps, coaching and client development.

Beside, I am involved in open-source community as Jeka project owner and project leader at OW2.


Main developer · Open-source project

jeka.dev · Brussels

Design, development and delivery of JeKa automation/build tool.

Development and monetization of an Intellij plugin for integration with the tool

Context : Java, Bash, Powershell, Docker, GraalVM, Springboot, IntelliJ SDK, CI/CD, Github actions

January 2024 - Now

Java Transversal Architect · External

ONEM-RVA· Brussels

Architecture and global solution validations for team specific and transversal concerns.

Coaching, support, overall design and implementation of microservices based projects.

Public cloud solution setup for software factory.

Context : Azure Devops/portal, Openshift, Docker, Kubernetes, Helm, Skaffold, Keycloack, Bash, Nexus, Elastic-stack, Prometheus, Springboot, Flyway, Mssql, MQSeries, Apicurio, OpenApi, SOAP, OAuth2, ReadyAPI, C4-Structurizr, DDD, Clean Architecture, BitBucket, Jira, Agile, Blue-Green deployments, Scrum

November 2022 - December 2023

Lead Software Engineer · External

MLOZ (Health Mutuals) · Brussels

Technical leader / coach / developer / analyst in teams from 5 to 15 peoples.

Creation from scratch to production of many micro-services serving REST apis backed with relational databases and message brokers.

Maintenance of legacy application serving Rest apis for multiple external customers and providing 24/7 SLA from a datastore having discontinued availability.

Context : Openshift/Charts, Tomcat, DB2(I-series/linux), Postgres, OpenAM, MQSeries, Dynatrace, Kibana, BitBucket, Springboot 2, Liquibase, Swagger, OAuth2, ReadyAPI, Jira, Scrum, Confluence

August 2020 - September 2022

Java Developer & Team leader · External

Multipharma · Brussels

Lead of 2-5 people team (methodology, business analysis, architecture, development) for a from-scratch-to-production solution managing pill packaging across all entities.

Integration of the government e-recipe platform with the in-house pharmacy shop solution.

Design of a customer relationship solution and implementation of a load testing harness

Context : Kanban, Jira, Gitlab, Jenkins, Maven, Java8, Springboot, Hibernate, Oracle12, Liquibase, ReactJS, NodeJs, JMeter, REST, QRcode, FTP, Zebra, PDF, XML

January 2017 - December 2019

Java consultant · External

Bnp Paribas Fortis · Brussels

Development and technical leading of a PC banking module handling client notifications (full Scrum team of around 8 people)

Development of a technical stack framework for all PC banking based project (Agile team of 10 people).

Technical Support for the whole PC-Banking teams, including quality check automation tools (many teams involving 30+ people)

Development of application managing intra-day liquidity (Waterfall project of 7 peoples)

Context : Scrum, Jira, Subversion, UML, Java6-7, IBM WebSphere, IBM MQ, Spring, Hibernate, JMS, Oracle, SAML, GWT, Javascript Backbones, HTML5, Selenium, Cucumber, Sonar, Jmeter, Eclipse Plugin Platform, Jenkins plugin development

March 2010 - December 2016

Java developer & Technical leader · External

Lyonnaise des eaux · Casablanca (Morocco)

Manage an offshore team in charge of developing a GIS (Geographical information System) for tracking water and electricity infrastructure net in Casablanca (5 developers)

Set up of the organization with the final customer (prioritization, regular incomes, time-boxing...)

Design, develop, setup CI and coach team members.

Context : Iterative approach, Subversion, Git, Jenkins, Maven, UML, Java5, Javascript, ESRI ARCGIS.

September 2008 - December 2009

Senior Java Developer · External

BNP CIB · Paris

Within a team of 20 people in charge of the maintenance and evolution of a trading application managing the position and the repository of listed products (in production since 2005) :

Development of new features, integration tests and automated tasks for a in-production project managing the position and the repository of listed products (20 people team)

Level 2 support

Context : Jira, Agile end-to-end, Advanced automatic and functional testing, Java5, Weblogic server, Eclipse RCP client, Oracle.

September 2007 - September 2008

Senior Java Developer · External

Calyon CIB · Paris

In charge of fixing a broken SOA Java application.

Reconfiguration of infrastructure elements (Websphere, JVM, Gigaspaces), Profiling and setting up load testing (HP-Jmeter et SOA Tests), Fixing design

Development and production monitoring for ancillary and autonomous services

Context : JEE (EJB/WS/JMS), SOAP 1.1, Eclipse/RSA, Gigaspaces, Websphere 6.1 cluster, ActiveMQ, MQ Series, Ant, Junit, Spring, Maven, Soatest, HP-jmeter, HP-UX, Sophis, Oracle/Toad

January 2007 - September 2007

Senior Java Developer · External

Société Générale CIB · Paris

Design and development for a application managing the repository and lifecycle of derivative products (Team of 15 people).

Implementation of best practices (testing, design, exception handling, continuous integration ...)

Creation and adjustment of technical frameworks and tools (workflow engine, persistence layer, code generation, ...)

Context : Waterfall & Scrum, Clearcase, Java4, Weblogic, Oracle, UML/Together, ANT, Velocity, EJB

June 2005 - December 2006

Java & Methodology Consultant · External

Dassault Aviation · Paris

Within a production management application (5500 M/D) in elaboration phase. In charge of the ULM and GUI audit (methods and technical realization) and on the software architecture elements (J2EE patterns) .

Creation and review of ULM diagrams (Use case, states, state transitions and classes) on mechanism of conception and architectural elements

Set up of a UML formalism to specify the GUI web type

Implementation of reusable GUI components (JSP taglib + javascript)

Context : Java, J2ee, jsp, Websphere, WSAD, Struts, Javascript/DHTML, UML (rational rose xde), Clearcase

January 2005 - June 2005

Java Developer · Internal

Phonevalley · Paris

Within a B2B "Application Service Provider” startup company. In charge of the recasting of the application platform (introduction of objects methodologies and Best Practices)

Development of buisness applications dialing with SMS technology

Choice of relevant technology to implement new applications (early adopting Spring+Hibernate)

Best practice setup (layered design, automated builds, VCS)

Recasting the legacy platform in a backward compatible way.

Context : Java, J2EE, Applet Swing, Spring, UML (omondo /open source), Resin, Mysql, Eclipse, CVS, Ant, Struts, Hibernate, Jakarta commons, XML

November 2002 - December 2004

Java Developer · Internal

Spherion · Paris

On-shelf development of an application managing sales

Java server dialing with a Swing client.

Context : Java, J2EE, Applet, Swing, Tomcat, Netbeans, Sax XML, UML (rational rose 2000), Mysql

November 2000 - October 2002

UML consultant · Trainee

Cofinoga · Bordeaux

Statical modeling of contract domain using UML language.

Context : Rational rose 2000, Edifice modeling method

April 2000 - October 2000


University of Toulouse

Post Graduate Degree in Computer Sciences
October 1999 - June 2000

University of Bordeaux

Master Degree in Applied Mathematics
September 1997 - June 1998


Expert, Specialist
Agile Methodology, Result Oriented, Testing Strategy, CI/CD
Design, Modeling, Analysis, Design, Object Oriented, UML, DDD, Software Architecture, Microservices
Java, Spring, Springboot, Hibernate, Maven, Ant, Jenkins, XML, REST, Liquibase
Scrum, Kanban, Security, Communication with business and management, Coaching, Jira, Enterprise Architecture, DevOps
Oracle, SQL, SOAP, REST, Git, SVN, SonarQube, Ivy, Eclipse RCP, IntelliJ Plugin, Swing, GWT, Functional Programming
Pretty good but need additional practice to master
Docker, Azure Devps
Javascript, NodeJs, HTML5, Chrome development tools
Unix/Linux, OAuth2, SAML
Some hand-on experiences but need training to be confident with
Kubernetes, Azure Portal, Openshift, Helm, Skaffold, Elastic Stack, Prometheus
ReactJS, CSS, Bootstrap
Gradle, NPM
Only used in tutorials or experimental projects
Angular, AWS, MongoDB, Scala, Ceylon, Kotlin, Ruby, C, Solidity

Domain Specific Knowledge

Investment Banking : Structure of derivative products, options, swaps, futures, volatility, basic pricing
Health care : Belgium government platform, nomenclature


Apart from being developer and IT passionate, I like to have social interaction with friends, grow up my little boy and visit countries around. I am a regular practitioner of many sports as running, cycling and tennis. During Winter I usually do skiing in Alps. During summertime, I like to do body-surfing on atlantic coast. When the weather is not friendly, I spend part of my time watching spying movies or series and exploring IT solutions.

Open Source Projects and Publications

Jeka : A powerful Java build tool : Owner, main developer and project leader at OW2
Vincer Dom : A better XML library for DOM manipulation.
Parent Chaining Pattern : A Design Pattern I coined to complete method chaining
Modern XML/DOM manipulation : DZone article about Vincer Dom