
Expert, Specialist
Agile Methodology, Result Oriented, Testing Strategy, CI/CD
Design, Modeling, Analysis, Design, Object Oriented, UML, DDD, Software Architecture, Microservices
Java, Spring, Springboot, Hibernate, Maven, Ant, Jenkins, XML, REST, Liquibase

Scrum, Kanban, Security, Communication with business and management, Coaching, Jira, Enterprise Architecture, DevOps
Oracle, SQL, SOAP, REST, Git, SVN, SonarQube, Ivy, Eclipse RCP, IntelliJ Plugin, Swing, GWT, Functional Programming

Pretty good but need additional practice to master
Docker, Azure Devps
Javascript, NodeJs, HTML5, Chrome development tools
Unix/Linux, OAuth2, SAML

Some hand-on experiences but need training to be confident with
Kubernetes, Azure Portal, Openshift, Helm, Skaffold, Elastic Stack, Prometheus
ReactJS, CSS, Bootstrap
Gradle, NPM
Only used in tutorials or experimental projects
Angular, AWS, MongoDB, Scala, Ceylon, Kotlin, Ruby, C, Solidity
Domain Specific Knowledge
Investment Banking : Structure of derivative products, options, swaps, futures, volatility, basic pricing
Health care : Belgium government platform, nomenclature